ArchBangX possible update…

I think ArchBangX is doing well, downloads are good and so far no negative feedback. Couple of points I need to address as regards to installation. First and very importantly post install you do need to set up pacman-keys and refresh archlinux-keyring, very important for package signing. In a terminal run: sudo pacman-key –init sudo ArchBangX possible update…

Getting close to release candidate…

Have made quite a few changes to ArchBangX ‘beta’, more happy now with the look and feel. Panel now features launchers for Firefox,Terminal and Thunar file manager. Removed icons from desktop. I think I have managed to remove Mail app from main menu. ArchBangX guide is now in Documents folder and has been changes to Getting close to release candidate…

Introducing ArchBangx…

I have been quietly working on a new iso. As I now have more time to mess around with ArchBang decided to give xfce4 a try. Out of the box it has all the things you need, panel, menus, icons, settings etc. Early days yet so consider this ‘beta’ Abinstall should work, not had time Introducing ArchBangx…

We have a problem….

I have rebuilt iso today, no major package changes….. Am having problems uploading to sourceforge, not sure what the problem is, certainly nothing my end of the line. Will try over next few days before uploading somewhere else. Just stay calm new iso image will be available soon. EDIT Turns out issue was my end We have a problem….

Sunday morning iso build….

Am building and will soon upload a new iso image. Many package updates and a fresh kernel [well at time of writing that is!]. Not much else to say this week, going to enjoy a week break from work and hopefully see some sun. Am going to hold back autumn release as I want to Sunday morning iso build….

Help me get rid of ads….

I really do not like running ads on website, to be honest it has not helped much either. So was trying to figured out other ways users can help out. Need to raise $1000 by end of year to keep hosting and domain running, with a little bit extra for helping me keep the lights Help me get rid of ads….